Financial Education and Sustainability: A Conceptual Framework
This work arises from a literature review involving the fields of financial education and sustainability from 1995 to 2021, which researches are still insufficient and incipient. Being aware of this lack of investigation, this study aims to propose a conceptual framework based on the principles of three-term contingency, exposing the dimensions of intersection, as well as its relations between financial education and sustainability. The research has an exploratory nature and a qualitative description approach. The framework presents as previous elements: knowledge about financial education and sustainability, that influence the result and behavior elements, they are: construction and accompaniment of the personal household budget, the levels of debts, savings, and investments, in the habits of consumption and the waste production and reject, such behaviors lead to the consequence elements, they are: future life quality for the individual, as well as the legacy that will be left for the descendants, the latter being a product that influences and is influenced by the rewards and punishments that the individual can get as a result of his actions.
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