Accept or Reject? The Issue of The Types of Arguments for the Reasoning of Articles in Administration




Relevance, Justification, Triangulation, Descending Hierarchical Classification


The relevance of the study has been recognized as the main factor of rejection or acceptance of articles by journals editors. Thus, justifying the study in a clear and persuasive way is a preponderant knowledge for the researchers. However, despite the importance, the research manuals superficially treat the presentation of the relevance of a research. Thus, the objective of this article is to identify the types of arguments used to justify scientific research in Administration. To obtain the answer, we used exploratory research implemented by mixed methods (concomitant triangulation). As a result, six types of arguments were identified for articles in the Administration area: authority arguments, scarcity, theoretical contribution, necessity, practical contribution and gap.


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Author Biographies

Alessandro Prudêncio Lukosevicius, Universidade do Grande Rio, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Doutor em Engenharia pela UFF.

Áreas de interesse em pesquisa: Gerenciamento de Projetos.

Jairo de Carvalho Guimarães, Universidade Federal do Piauí, Floriano, PI

Doutor em Educação pela UFRJ.

Áreas de interesse em pesquisa: Empreendedorismo; Educação Empreendedora; Gestão Ambiental; Sustentabilidade; Currículo.

Deborah Moraes Zouain, Universidade do Grande Rio, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Doutora em Engenharia da Produção pela UFRJ.

Áreas de interesse em pesquisa: Empreendedorismo; Turismo; Segurança Publica.



How to Cite

Lukosevicius, A. P., Guimarães, J. de C., & Zouain, D. M. (2019). Accept or Reject? The Issue of The Types of Arguments for the Reasoning of Articles in Administration. Administração: Ensino E Pesquisa, 20(1), 50–89.