Restaurante Mata Nativa: Adaptação ou Oportunidade em Tempos de Pandemia da Covid-19


  • Cassio Andre Bayma do Nascimento Universidade Vale do Itajaí
  • Gustavo Behling PPGA Univali
  • Alessandra Tutida
  • Erick Pereira
  • Jailson Lana



This teaching case tells the story of Restaurante Mata Nativa. Traditional in à la carte service and the integration with nature as a competitive differential, the restaurant's 15-year history shows how the processes of development of the acquisition, assimilation, transformation, and application of knowledge were essential in the development of the enterprise and in particular to overcome the crisis caused by the Covid pandemic19. It is recommended to apply this case in Administration courses, at the lato sensu or stricto sensu postgraduate levels, in entrepreneurship disciplines or organizational strategies. The aim is that students can critically reflect on developing capabilities to generate competitive advantages and organizational performance.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, C. A. B. do, Behling, G., Tutida, . A., Pereira, E., & Lana, J. (2021). Restaurante Mata Nativa: Adaptação ou Oportunidade em Tempos de Pandemia da Covid-19. Administração: Ensino E Pesquisa, 22(3).