Management of essential organizational resources for good performance in the Capes Assessment




Based on the rise of the assessment of Brazilian higher education in recent years and its influence on the assessed institutions, we took as a study objective the analysis of the indicators of stricto sensu graduate programs in Administration (PPGAs) in the 2013-2016 quadrennium, in order to identify its strategic behavior. Based on Resource Theory and the institutional approach of isomorphism, three hypotheses were raised, analyzed by different quantitative methods: linear regression, Pearson correlation, ratio and proportion. The results confirmed the two first hypotheses and complemented the third, which attested that, in addition to the excellence programs, there is a high level of efficiency among PPGA professors of all strata. By combining theories, we found that an effective organization in a regulated environment is one that manages to organize all resources, processes and routines in line with regulatory requirements. However, in any field where the regulatory system also plays the role of financing agent, a competitive issue arises. Differences were found between the explanatory items for the concept of higher level programs and for the entire set of researched programs, which enabled the construction of a strategic model for superior performance.


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Author Biography

Danieli Artuzi Pes Backes, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - UFMT Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE

Doutoranda em Administração pela Uninove. Professora Adjunto I do Departamento de Administração da UFMT. Leciona e possui interesse nos seguintes temas: Ensino Superior, Estratégia - em especial Teoria Institucional, RBV e isomorfismo, Gestão Ambiental e Gestão Pública.



How to Cite

Backes, D. A. P., Ribeiro Serra, F. A., Belfort, A. C., & Andrade, Élida F. da S. (2022). Management of essential organizational resources for good performance in the Capes Assessment. Administração: Ensino E Pesquisa, 23(2).