Divino Gol: aos 45 Minutos do Segundo Tempo, Haverá Prorrogação?





A good idea can't always be a good deal! This is the key phrase that permeates this case for teaching. Where a businessman changes his field of activity betting on an innovative idea, but invests in the business, partially unaware of the market he will operate due to lack of diagnosis and planning, which causes misfortunes that could have been identified even before its conception and thus avoided. The case tells the story of the owner of the Divino Gol establishment, a football themed pub that, in order to survive in the face of competition, will have to be able to adapt to the rapid changes that current scenarios present and have the creativity to create strategies to innovate and reinvent itself. In this case, the objective is to put the student in the role of manager or entrepreneur when faced with a decision to make in the face of business decline. The case was developed with the aim of exploring and practicing various concepts related to administration, provoking student creativity.


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Author Biographies

Aline Belletti Maffezzoli, UNIVALI

Andminitradora, businesswoman with an MBA in business management from UNIVALI.

Anete Alberton

Doctorate and Masters in Production Engineering (2003 and 1996), Specialization in Occupational Safety Engineering (1995) from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC/SC). Graduated in Business Administration (1992), Civil Engineering (1991) and Artistic Education (1988) from the University of Rio Grande Foundation (FURG/RS). She is currently a permanent professor of the Graduate Program in Administration (PPGA / UNIVALI), the Professional Master's Program in Administration (PMPGIL / UNIVALI) and the Graduate Course in Administration (UNIVALI / SC).



How to Cite

Silva, J. M. S. da, Belletti Maffezzoli, A. ., & Alberton, A. (2022). Divino Gol: aos 45 Minutos do Segundo Tempo, Haverá Prorrogação?. Administração: Ensino E Pesquisa, 23(3). https://doi.org/10.13058/raep.2022.v23n3.2275



Teaching Cases