Internationalizing higher education: a study about barriers and possibilities




International academic mobility, Internationalization, Higher Education


The importance of the internationalization of higher education is already established in the globalized society. International treaties between countries, international economic agreements and the fall of cultural barriers are some of the expressions of the strong impact of education as a sphere of multicentric formation. In Brazil, many educational institutions have adopted internationalization practices as options for their students. However, despite its importance and all efforts made regarding the internationalization of higher education, what we see in the daily life of many schools is the low level of knowledge of students about the possibilities of international mobility. In the face of this situation, and seeking to find alternatives to overcome this problem, we propose a study addressing the familiarity with this subject as expressed by the Business Administration undergraduates of a Brazilian federal higher education institutions. The data collected point to the initial hypothesis, namely, that the theme of the internationalization of higher education is widely disseminated, but the its effectiveness is understood as much more complex than it really is.


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Author Biographies

Carolina Machado Saraiva de Albuquerque Maranhão, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Mariana, MG

Doutora em Administração pela UFMG.

Áreas de interesse em pesquisa: Ensino em Administração.

Isadora Iannini Cota Dutra, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Mariana, MG

Bacharel em Administração pela UFOP.

Áreas de interesse em pesquisa: Ensino em Administração.

Roberto Kaehler de Albuquerque Maranhão, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, MG

Mestre em Finanças pela UFMG.

Áreas de interesse em pesquisa: Educação.



How to Cite

Maranhão, C. M. S. de A., Dutra, I. I. C., & Maranhão, R. K. de A. (2017). Internationalizing higher education: a study about barriers and possibilities. Administração: Ensino E Pesquisa, 18(1), 9–38.