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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The maximum number of authors per article is five.
  • The number of submissions per author/year is limited to two, regardless of whether you are an author or co-author.
  • The article must have at least 50% of recent references (last five years).
  • The article must have at least 50% of references based on articles published in scientific journals with a stratum equal to or greater than B1 (Qualis-Capes). We will consider the journal strata of any Qualis / Capes evaluation area.
  • The article must have at least 25% of references and citations of articles published in international scientific journals with JCR or H-index.

  • The paper is aligned with the focus and scope of the journal.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.

  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Author Guidelines.

  • The submitted file is in Word or OpenOffice format and does not contain any information that allows the identification of the authors, including in the properties of the file.

  • The authors' information (name, title, institutional affiliation, contact) was included in the submission form.

  • It was indicated, at the time of submission, whether the text originated from an article published in a scientific conference or thesis/dissertation.

  • The DOI's (Digital Object Identifier) for scientific articles references were informed when possible.

Author Guidelines

Papers submitted for evaluation in the journal Administração: Ensino e Pesquisa (RAEP) can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French

From the 1st edition of 2019, RAEP will publish its texts in two languages, the original language of the article and English. If the submitted paper is in English, the second language should be Portuguese. Thus, the authors shall provide the paper revision (grammar and ABNT) and translation into English or Portuguese (depending on the language in which the manuscript was submitted), bearing the costs involved in the service. Translation will only be requested to the authors after the approval of the article for publication. In order to ensure the quality of the material to be published, the work of revision and translation must necessarily be carried out by a professional with recognized experience in revision / translation. RAEP provides authors with a list of recommended professionals.

As presented in the Editorial Policies section, all submitted papers must be original and unpublished and should not be simultaneously evaluated in another journal. In addition, all articles will undergo a double-blind review process. Prior to submission, authors should read the Focus and Scope section of the journal as well as the section on the Peer Review Process to verify the adequacy of the paper to RAEP.

Articles must comply with the following submission conditions:

  1. The maximum number of authors per article is five;
  2. The number of submissions per author/year is limited to two, regardless of whether you are an author or co-author;
  3. The article must have at least 50% of recent references (last five years);
  4. The article must have at least 50% of references based on articles published in scientific journals with a stratum equal to or greater than B1 (Qualis-Capes). We will consider the journal strata of any Qualis / Capes evaluation area;
  5. The article must have at least 25% of references and citations of articles published in international scientific journals with JCR or H-index;
  6. Be aligned with the Focus and Scope of the journal;
  7. The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal;
  8. The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in  Author Guidelines;
  9. The submitted file is in Word or OpenOffice format and does not contain any information that allows the identification of the authors, including in the properties of the file;
  10. The authors' information (name, title, institutional affiliation, contact) was included in the submission form;
  11. It was indicated, at the time of submission, whether the text originated from an article published in a scientific conference or derived from a thesis/dissertation;
  12. The DOI's (Digital Object Identifier) for scientific articles references were informed when possible;

The Editor will reject papers that do not meet minimum conditions and/or that are not in line with the editorial policy of the journal.

Papers published as a result of activities financed by any funding agency, for example, CNPq, CAPES or FAPESP among others, must mention the support received, after the references, with the following notes: a) paper signed by one author: "The research reported in this paper was performed with the support of (institution's name, in full)"; b) paper signed by more than one author: "Beneficiary of grant/scholarship/financial support from (institution's name, in full)".

After acceptance of the article for publication in RAEP, authors should provide the ORCID identifier. Information about ORCID can be viewed at the following website:


The paper must be presented in the following format.

Text editor: Word of Open Office.


  • Paper size: A4 (29.7 x 21 cm);
  • Margins: upper 3 cm, lower 2 cm, left 3 cm and right 2 cm;
  • Spacing: single (between characters, words, and lines);
  • Number of words: the paper must contain between 5,000 and 10,000 words, excluding the abstract, illustrations, references and endnotes.

First page contents

  • Title (centered) in Portuguese and English;
  • Abstract, in Portuguese and English, containing the objective of the paper, the methodological procedures employed, results achieved and conclusions reached, within a minimum of 10 (ten) and maximum of 15 (fifteen) lines;
  • Keywords in Portuguese and English (minimum of three and maximum of five).

All illustrations, tables, charts, and graphics must be in black and white and provided in editable format (Word, PowerPoint or Excel) and in size 10 font.


All citations must adhere to NBR 10520:2002 of the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT). The Author-Date system must be used, according to the examples below (please check the NBR 10520:2002 standards for any cases not found below):

  • Publication with one author: Rodrigues (2005) or (RODRIGUES, 2005);
  • Publication with two authors: Parente and Ferreira (2007) or (PARENTE; FERREIRA, 2007);
  • Publication with three authors: Ladeira, Santini and Araujo (2012) or (LADEIRA; SANTINI; ARAUJO, 2012);
  • Publication with four or more authors: cite only the first, followed by "et al." – Cardoso et al. (2008) or (CARDOSO et al., 2008);
  • If there is more than one publication from the same author, in the same year, add lowercase letters (a, b, c, d, etc.), in alphabetical order, immediately after the date (SURNAME, 2010a; SURNAME, 2010b);
  • Indirect citations (text based on the publication of the consulted author) must be written WITHOUT QUOTATION MARKS, followed only by the surname(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication;
  • Direct citations (textual transcription of part of the publication of the consulted author) must be written WITHIN QUOTATION MARKS, followed by the surname(s) of the author(s), the year of publication and the page number(s).  
  • Examples:
    • This method has as its "premise that the knowledge of the individuals is only possible with the description of the human experience, in the way it is experienced and how it is defined by its own actors" (SPINDOLA; SANTOS, 2003, p. 120).
    • In the corporate context, the TBL, according to Lages, Lages and França (2010, p. 18), "reflects a set of values, objectives, and processes that an organization must focus on to create value in three dimensions: economic, social and environmental". 
  • Direct citations with MORE THAN THREE LINES must appear in an isolated paragraph, with single spacing, a left margin of 4 cm, in a font size smaller than the main text, WITHOUT QUOTATION MARKS and followed by the reference: (SURNAME, year, p. xx).

References must be written in compliance with NBR 6023:2002 of the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT). These must be presented in alphabetical order at the end of the paper and in compliance with the following general rules (please check the NBR 6023:2002 standard for any cases not presented below):

  • Abbreviate the author(s) first name(s) after the surname(s);
  • Should the publication have four or more authors, reference only the first, followed by "et al."; 
  • The references must only present the publications cited in the body of the text (direct and indirect citations should comply with NBR 10520:2002);
  • Italics should be used for the titles of publications in accordance with the examples given below (subtitles are not emphasized in italics).

AUTHOR'S SURNAME, Abbreviated first names. Book title: subtitle. Publication location: Publisher, year of publication.

CHRISTENSEN, C. M.; ANTHONY, S. D.; ROTH, E. A. O futuro da inovação: usando as teorias da inovação para prever mudanças no mercado. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2007.

Book chapters

AUTHOR'S SURNAME, Abbreviated first names. Chapter title: subtitle. In: AUTHOR'S SURNAME, Abbreviated first names. Book title. Publication location: Publisher, year of publication. Initial and final pages.

SOUZA, E. C. L.; GUIMARÃES, T. A. O ensino do empreendedorismo em instituições de ensino superior brasileiras. In: SOUZA, E. C. L. de, GUIMARÃES, T. A. Empreendedorismo além do plano de negócios. São Paulo: Atlas, 2006. p. 241-259.


AUTHOR'S SURNAME, Abbreviated first names. Paper title: subtitle. Journal title, Publication location (Optional), volume number (v.), issue number (n.), initial and final pages of the paper, month(s) (Jan./Mar.). year of publication.

BERTERO, C. O.; VASCONCELOS, F. C.; BINDER, M. P. Estratégia empresarial: a produção científica brasileira entre 1991 e 2002. Revista de Administração de Empresas, v. 43, n. 4, p. 48-63, Oct./Dec. 2003.

N.B.: For scientific papers, please add DOI at the end of the reference. Example:

SIEGLER, J.; BIAZZIN, C.; FERNANDES, A. R. Fragmentação do conhecimento científico em Administração: uma análise crítica. Revista de Administração de Empresas, v. 54, n. 3, p. 254-267, May/Jun. 2014. DOI: 10.1590/S0034-759020140302.

Theses, dissertations, and monographs

AUTHOR'S SURNAME, Abbreviated first names. Thesis/dissertation/monograph title. Year. Number of pages (169 p.). Thesis, Dissertation or Monograph (Doctorate, Master's or Undergraduate Degree in ...) (area of study) - Institutional affiliation (post-graduate program, faculty, university, etc.), location it was defended, year of publication.

BARBOSA, P. R. A. Índice de sustentabilidade empresarial da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (ISE-Bovespa): exame da adequação como referência para aperfeiçoamento da gestão sustentável das empresas e para formação de carteiras de investimento orientadas por princípios de sustentabilidade corporativa. 2007. 150 p. Dissertation (Masters in Business Administration) – Coppead Institute of Administration, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2007.


SURNAME, Abbreviated first names. Title: subtitle. In: Event name, event number (11., 5., 24., etc.), year, event location (city). Proceedings... Location: Publisher, date of publication and initial and final pages (if applicable). Available at: <url, if applicable>. Accessed on: day month (abbreviated, with the exception of May). Year.

SANTOS, S. R. de O.; SOUZA, M. J. B.; FALKEMBACH, J. R. Responsabilidade social corporativa: um estudo bibliométrico da produção dos EnAnpads na última década. In: SYMPOSIUM ON EXCELLENCE IN MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY, 5., 2008, Resende. Proceedings... Resende: AEDB, 2008.

Electronic documents

ORGANIZAÇÃO PARA A COOPERAÇÃO E O DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO. Manual de Oslo: diretrizes para coleta e interpretação de dados sobre inovação. 3. ed. 2005. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 25 Aug. 2013.

BRAZIL. Congress. Act 10.973, of 2 December 2004. Dispõe sobre incentivos à inovação e à pesquisa científica e tecnológica no ambiente produtivo e dá outras providências. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 25 Aug. 2013.

Endnotes should be used as sparingly as possible and should be organized at the end of the text, sequentially, after the references.

Author(s) who do not comply with the parameters described above will have their submission returned to make the respective modifications.


Original and unpublished scientific articles.

Book Reviews

Critical book reviews.

Teaching Cases

Scientific article, unpublished and presented in the form of teaching cases for use in the classroom. The journal only accepts teaching cases based on real life situations.

Abstracts of thesis and dissertations

Resumos de Teses e Dissertações relacionadas ao escopo do periódico.

Special Issue: Challenges of Teaching in Undergraduate Business Administration C

Special Call for academic and technical productions related to the theme Challenges of Teaching in Undergraduate Courses in Administration.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.