Learning environment and Business games: the perception of the students


  • Tatiani Schmitt Universidade do vale do Itajaí https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3557-0455
  • Anete Alberton Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - Univali
  • Marco Aurélio Butzke Universidade Para o Desenvolvimento do Alto Vale do Itajaí - UNIDAVI
  • Francine Simas Neves Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - Univali




The business game is an active teaching strategy that oportuniza to the students an experience vivencial nearer than the reality organizacional, what it is developed in learning environments. The objective of this research is to analyze the perception of students when using the strategy of teaching business games in a virtual learning environment at two universities in Santa Catarina. The research is considered mixed, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, with data from 2 questionnaires and 2 focus groups applied to undergraduate and graduate students from two universities in Santa Catarina. In the data analysis, were used descriptive statistics, factor analysis and content analysis. The results show that the students had a positive perception about the use of the Business Games teaching strategy and in the learning environment pointed out difficulties while using the digital games platform. The main contribution is the provision of subsidies to teachers to improve the teaching-learning process, as well as a stimulus for teachers to use business games and other teaching strategies in the classroom, taking into account important issues for the application success.


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How to Cite

Schmitt, T., Alberton, A., Butzke, M. A. ., & Neves, F. S. . (2021). Learning environment and Business games: the perception of the students. Administração: Ensino E Pesquisa, 22(2). https://doi.org/10.13058/raep.2021.v22n2.1983