Remote Teaching and Learning




As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was necessary online tools for the emergency implementation of alternative forms of remote teaching and learning by Brazilian educational institutions, without prior preparation. In this challenging context in higher education in a pandemic context, this article aimed to analyze how education was impacted by the pandemic, based on the perception and conditions of Management students. The objective was to analyze the scenario, identifying how to improve remote teaching and learning, both at undergraduate and graduate level. With regard it, a study with quali-quantitative strategies was developed, involving documentary research, participant observation and application of questionnaires with Management students from two Brazilian educational institutions, considering not only technological factors, but also social, economic and emotional. The result demonstrated to a difference in the impact on undergraduate and graduate students. Furthermore, the research pointed to how the COVID-19 pandemic may have operated as an enhancer of social problems and, inevitably, impaired the teaching-learning processes. Finally, initiatives are proposed and implemented to mitigate the problems encountered and offer paths to Management education.


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Author Biographies

Ramon Jung Pereira, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais

Ramon Jung Pereira é Mestre em Administração pela PUC Minas com foco em Gestão Social: Negócios de Impacto, Inovação Social, Tecnologia Social, Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Ensino. Suas pesquisas abordam a construção coletiva de inovações e tecnologias sociais entre universidade e sociedade pela prática da chamada “Ecologia de Saberes”: diálogo horizontal e democrático entre epistemologias do Sul e as ditas hegemônicas ou dominantes. Possui experiência profissional diversificada, abrangendo os campos da gestão, ensino, pesquisa, inovação e projetos. Atualmente é professor da pós-graduação da PUC Minas, pesquisador associado do Núcleo de Pesquisas em Ética e Gestão Social (NUPEGS), consultor, membro do Grupo de Reflexão e Trabalho pela “Economia de Francisco e Clara” e educador social.

Armindo dos Santos de Sousa Teodósio, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais

Armindo dos Santos de Sousa Teodósio, Doutor em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas, São Paulo. Professor da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Brasil.



How to Cite

Pereira, R. J., Oliveira, V. M. de ., Nascimento, D. V. da C., & Teodósio, A. dos S. de S. (2022). Remote Teaching and Learning. Administração: Ensino E Pesquisa, 23(1).